Saturday, July 19, 2008

euphony in california

Taken at the Huntington Gardens in Pasadena around June 2007. The picture is of the very fragrant Michelia Alba, which I've been trying to get a snip of ever since. Though I don't like post-processed photos, I like this version since the contrast brings out the water drops. I also like the whimsical twists of the branches and petals.

Suvir and I are currently at Caltech - I'm reading while he's working - so I thought I would update. I'd meant to write yesterday to mark the date, but I suppose today would do just fine. A lot's been happening, and after what's seemed like ages of agony, I'm finally done with the first real hump. Yay! And regardless of the outcome, I'm just happy to put it behind me :)

With the last few months being especially trying, I've gotten to see how few people I truly call friends. Though I still have the sporadic conversation with most, most others seem to have just disappeared with the increasing distance between us. So I want to thank my boyfriend and best friend who's been my rock throughout the trials. Ever patient, ever sympathetic, he's someone I don't know what I'd do without him.

He came to surprise me yesterday with a bouquet of rather large flowers, and after some delicious sushi, we headed in for "The Dark Knight", which was pretty decent. The Joker really made it worthwhile so I'd recommend it. In store for the week are a massive cleaning of my room, a lot of writing, and of course more hours in the lab. But for now, the monsieur and I are headed to the Norton Simon Museum for a stroll, the grocery store for some supplies, and back home for some intense pizza-making this evening. I hope you all have good weekends (with wonderful people).

1 comment:

Thy said...

I read your title as.. euphuongy