Saturday, February 28, 2009

liars in love

Bougainvillae grown in my backyard. I've always liked their texture, but I particularly like the ones in this shade, the jubilant, come-hither shade. The title of the post is again from a collection by Richard Yates who puts everything so poetically.

I recently put Michael Bublé into my Pandora and out came Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Dean Martin, Glenn Miller .. so my days in lab have been sweet. Today I'm writing and reading over the manuscript for my next paper. After a year of tediousness, the images are finally done and the movies are made so I'm ecstatic and would love to show you if anyone is interested in Nematology. In other news, I created a blog for food today:, which I will hopefully remember to update. Its particulars are still subject to change because I don't love the title, but I always wanted to be a food critic so I went forth and seized. Something will come of it.

I've had the same two sentences and scenario playing in my mind for the last three years of something I want to write about, and I only just found an ending two days ago. It came to me just as I was getting ready for bed, and normally I would seize the moment but I've been busy and preoccupied lately so I hope the ardor doesn't fade. I have so much on my plate before I pack my bags for that plane. I've been adopting the Anne of Green Gables philosophy that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it, and if you think of it that way, it's like getting a chance to start over, everyday. I've decided to get out of my own way and take things as they come. Life will always have its bends and climbs, but I've got on my dancing shoes ..

Monday, February 23, 2009

dear dad

The Hope Diamond at the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C., Sept. 2006.

Dear Dad,

You are such an amazing person. As I listened to you talk tonight, I watched the gleam in your eyes and thought of that same gleam behind the camcorder at every award ceremony, front row and always my biggest fan. I watched your animated hands and thought of those same hands gripping our first real tea cup as you sipped coffee Saturday mornings, staring out of the apartment window. You were always hopeful, even when unemployed and hurting. You were always willing, even when tired and torn down. I hope you know how much I never want to let you down, how much I always want you to see your dreams in me because past wrinkling skin and falling hair, aging eyes and time passing by, I always see my hero in you and am still your biggest fan.

With love and happy birthday.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

eleven kinds of loneliness

Just some rocks to fill the frame; I've always found them interesting - the different shapes and sizes, grooves and textures. We kick and toss them aside, but I can't help feeling the markings on each one and wondering what kinds of storms it's weathered. I want to mention the best guy in my life who has been my rock lately. Thank you for always being supportive and letting me run into your arms bewildered and tear-stained like the movies.

The title is from a collection of short stories that I just finished by Richard Yates. I picked it up out of curiosity because I really like the title but then read it through to partially wash out the emptiness in my stomach after reading Revolutionary Road. Talk about hopelessness.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Taken again in my backyard on the same morning as the last. I'm trying to get the images as crisp as the old camera so have some patience.

I'm excited for Valentine's this year. I was quadruple booked until I sat down and had to choose two. I also just got your very red bouquet this morning. Thank you, it's lovely..

A lot of people are up in arms about the date because it's such a "Hallmark Holiday". That may be, and I too dislike the overemphasis on couples and commercial aspects, but why be so bitter? It's a day for love and I think that's nice. We all could use a little more of it. Even if all you see on television are couples giving gifts, hug someone you care about. Do something nice. The usual argument is always "but why do I need a special holiday to remind me of it?" Sure, you should be loving everyday, but are you? Yeah I thought so. So just take the holiday to remind yourself of all the wonderful people in your life and have a happy Valentine's :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009


This was taken in my backyard in the morning after the rain had settled. I wanted to try out the macro functions on my camera, and I still have some kinks to work out so expect a lot more practice shots.

I've always loved the date February 12th. Something about the first couple weeks of February gives me warmth. I hope you all have a great day, especially since tomorrow's Friday the 13th :)

Monday, February 9, 2009


Taken at Lake Casitas in November 2008. I'm not a huge daisy fan except for these with a purple center. I wish I'd captured the color better.

For Steve, whom I saw yesterday (yay!), a list of my favorite words:


Saturday, February 7, 2009

rainy days

Taken at the same park with Monsieur Kevin. We had crossed over to the other side of the park right after I ran into Mr. Kriesel. I was ecstatic until I realized what an awkward conversation we were having. Turns out, while you are busy changing, so are other people. Go figure.

I wish I could find a Karnaugh map for love.

Monday, February 2, 2009

cherry lipstick

Taken at Fairmount Park in Riverside a couple weeks back just as the sun was setting. Kevin and I waited for the sunset to get pictures and entertained ourselves with a frisbee until then. Afterward we got some much needed sushi. 'Twas a wonderful evening :)

Some days I wish my life were a television show. My hair would always be shiny. The lighting would always be spot on. And every happy and sad moment would have just the right song playing in the background. I could see the moments where I was being stupid. I could pinpoint where it all went wrong. I could see how everyone else was hurting and fill in those lines we all scream under our breath. Every episode would have a theme and lesson to learn from and I would get snippets of what to expect the following week. People say half the fun in life is living it, and we have to claw in the dark for a while to really appreciate the light and I agree, but some days, I could do without all that "fun".