Sunday, January 18, 2009

saltwater room

Taken at Ventura Beach, California this past November. I feel badly for dissing the previous photo I uploaded since it makes me smile on closer inspection. I like the color contrast is this one. I took it because I wanted to capture what a nice day and beach it was, but more so because I was chasing the birds. The way they waddle makes me happy.

Older people are often wise. So are the fatally ill. And the answer as to why and how is time - not the passing of it per se but the realization that it does and will pass. These people realize they don't have much of it left and so they stop overanalyzing, stop agonizing and just enjoy the moment. Though I'm guilty of it too, I know the one thing everyone takes advantage of is time. Time spent dreaming, time spent with your loved ones, time being happy. I don't want to wait for cancer to come and make me realize how good I had it, and so from hereforth, I want to "live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life ... and not, when I came to die, discover I had not lived".