Friday, January 16, 2009


Taken on Lake Casitas as the sun was setting. I asked the ex for this last batch of photos because I remember taking some really good ones. I just opened them up and turns out, they weren't so brilliant, but I will post them nonetheless. This trip to Ojai was also anti-climactic and I wouldn't suggest the drive. It was small and folksy without the natural appeal, but I did get to stargaze.

The last few days have been irksome and have left me introverted. The same monster of my career has reared its ugly head as I sit home and await the decisions. I think I've been obsessing over trivial matters in order to run away from all the issues that needed dealing with. Therefore, I've been doing a lot of introspection about my actions and where they lead me. I promised myself I'd have a good year.

In other news, tomorrow is my labmate Jonathan's birthday, yay. He turns the big 25, not so yay. We all went out for mini-golf last night - me and the 7 boys in lab - and I beat them all. It was glorious, but I found they are sore losers. Men. *scoff*

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