Friday, June 13, 2008

the art of juggling

Taken at the Hammer Museum in LA, Summer 2006. I spent a very enjoyable evening with a friend listening to jazz. I have wavering nostalgia now that it's summer again.

It's been a rather productive day including a nice lunch with a lab mate. I've decided I need a new nose; this one constantly bickers over how it should function.

I went to Target today to search for a new planner and after much debate decided ... not to get one for a while. I obsess over times and schedules only to kick myself down when I don't meet daily set goals. It used to make me feel driven. Now I just feel defeated so I thought I'd tone down the crazy, if only for a little while. One small step for mankind; one big step for me.


Thy said...
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Thy said...

Sounds like you need to-do list without so much pressure, I call mine the "Someday Maybe" list. I keep it online so that it's always accessible..