Friday, June 27, 2008

oh so tired

Taken just a couple months ago while Suvir and I were driving along the I-10 somewhere. I was fiddling with the camera and then looked out the window to see this briefly. It's one of my favorites because I couldn't believe I actually caught it.

I've nothing else to write really since it's been an exhausting week and I am cranky and tired all over. Nonetheless, I wanted to put up this picture today. Also, I've recently had a tête-à-tête with 2 good friends, and I've forgotten how nice it is to open up with someone now and then. You remember you're not alone, and the world feels a little less scary.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Taken at Niagara Falls in September 2006. My parents and I had a 2 week gallivant around the upper east coast during which I got to visit Toronto and Montréal, 2 more reasons for why I want to move to Canada. We went on a cruise underneath the falls where everyone had to wear ponchos. The trip was awesome, but I mostly like this shot because of the heads poking out.

shut your eyes and think of somewhere
somewhere cold and caked in snow
by the fire we break the quiet
learn to wear each other well

and when the worrying starts to hurt
and the world feels like graves of dirt
just close your eyes until
you can imagine this place

:: snow patrol ::

Friday, June 20, 2008

chasing sheep

Taken in May 2006. I never realized how pretty tulips can be until I saw these at the Farmer's Market.

I was very late to lab today because I had to take my car in for a check-up. I sometimes miss the walking distances in Westwood and the very available public transport system. Having a car just means having something else to take care of.

I've been having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. I finally bought some sleeping pills 2 weeks ago and they are ... okay. The diphenhydramine HCl just isn't very strong, and that usually only knocks me out when I am having an allergy attack anyway. Christine suggested I pick up some melatonin, which is supposed to make me pass out promptly. I will probably look into it in the coming week. Any other suggestions are welcomed.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

cheap words

Taken at the Huntington Gardens in Pasadena, CA around June 2007. I'd never been and couldn't believe how large it was, but alas gardens still just don't impress me much. I liked the red on top.

I got to thinking, apologies are a lot like greeting cards. You cherish the few you really like, the ones with thought-out messages, the ones that made you feel better, the ones that came at just the right time. These go in a special box. But then there are the rest, the generic Christmas cards, the trite Valentine's cards, the ones someone thought were so funny but you just found crass. Some come with glitter, some with annoying confetti that spill everywhere on your floor. Some are 3 feet tall with 6 inch letters to hide centimeter deep intentions. There's one for every occasion. I wonder why people don't just save the trouble and send the ones that count. Otherwise, what do we gain but emotional saturation and a bigger filing system.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

hearing hoofbeats

Taken near the Golden Gate Bridge in July 2007. I stayed at the beautiful Palace Hotel, which I'd recommend, and also got a chance to see Sarah and Dave.

This post comes a couple days late because the week has been so darn busy. And it's only Wednesday! I just wanted to get in my hurrah for the California-legalized gay marriages that took place this past Monday. I've taken out the rest of the post because I rather like the picture and would rather not tie it to political messes. I will say that regardless of gender, people are people and that should trump any feigned morality you can throw at me.

Friday, June 13, 2008

the art of juggling

Taken at the Hammer Museum in LA, Summer 2006. I spent a very enjoyable evening with a friend listening to jazz. I have wavering nostalgia now that it's summer again.

It's been a rather productive day including a nice lunch with a lab mate. I've decided I need a new nose; this one constantly bickers over how it should function.

I went to Target today to search for a new planner and after much debate decided ... not to get one for a while. I obsess over times and schedules only to kick myself down when I don't meet daily set goals. It used to make me feel driven. Now I just feel defeated so I thought I'd tone down the crazy, if only for a little while. One small step for mankind; one big step for me.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

the beginning

Taken at the Seoul Incheon Airport, Seoul, Korea in December 2005

So I started a new blog. I'm hoping to write and to upload pictures to mix it up a bit, the point being to start afresh and perhaps launch myself out of the creative lull I've found myself in. You can find the last 5 years here.

Lab is going well as is studying though I wish I were more self-motivated to be extraordinary. I spent the day with my mom yesterday running errands and getting our hair cut. I asked the guy to please cut off 1-2 inches; I left sans 8 but my head does feel lighter. It was nice spending a day together, and buffalo wings were involved. Always a bonus.

Anyway, hooray a new blog!