Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Taken inside the caves off Long Ha Bay.

Today I had an idea for my second blog. I'm going to scrap the food one because the name didn't feel right and my heart just wasn't in the idea. I'd still love to be a food critic if I could, but I don't really want to spend all the cash just to blog about where I eat. So instead I will review ... books. I read them all the time anyway, I'd like to share my opinions with someone, and this way I can just refer people to a URL each time they ask what I recommend. I like to make suggestions that I know the other person will really like, but that takes some time and it's hard to sift through all the books of my lifetime in a few seconds.

I haven't actually started it though because all the names I currently want are taken by people who created their blog just to write one liners. How irritating. I wanted "being Jane", but that was already taken. Any suggestions?