Friday, September 18, 2009


San Pedro with Chris ..

I'm back finally from a long morning. I woke up later than I would've liked and hauled ass to class. Afterward, I had every intention of getti
ng my package. I begged my parents to mail one of my MCAT books (I know, it's ridiculous) and they added some other stuff. So I head downtown with some of the guys who tell me they're doing the same after a little shopping. We get there and before you know it, they're buying alcohol. Then there's wandering involved and someone we end up on a tour of the city. For 2 hrs! It was ridiculous. I finally have to just hop in a cab back. I go to the coffee shop for a cafe au lait and a brownie then walk home in the rain. Showered. My roommate and some people went to lunch but I stayed in to make a sandwich. It's already 2:30pm and I've done nothing all day. It's just going to be one of those Fridays .. how terrible.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


The Mann in Westwood.

It's weird to break up. It's surreal. You look back and remember when you used to be in love, and it's weird that you're not anymore. Then it becomes weird that you ever were. It's another life, another time. You were different people, and now you might as well be strangers.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I hate phlegm

My feet at Mile Square Park.

So I am still sick. So sick that I've left mid-way through lecture twice now. So sick that I lost my voice yesterday. Uuuugh, and every time I go into coughing fits, I hate my roommate just a little bit. I'm sorry Avneet, I still love you deep down.

I hate phlegm. I HATE phlegm. I hate being sick. I hate coughing uncontrollably. I hate life right now. I just needed to get that out.

On the plus side though, being sick and without a voice really bodes well for studying.

Monday, September 7, 2009

say, say

Grand Anse beach at sunset.

I am writing to you sick and tired. I spent all of my weekend in bed trying to kick this cold that's being passed around, and it was a miserable 3 days.

I last spoke to Chris on Thursday, and in that conversation, he said I think entirely too much, that that's the reason for most of my problems, and while I'd agree with that about the past, I think I've since kicked the habit. I've been more preoccupied with doing lately and just letting life come at me. Plus my schedule is so packed that there's hardly any room to obsess anyway. I'm not altogether sure which one I like better. Everyone keeps talking about how you eventually find your way and your footing with time, that age really does make you wiser, and all I can say is I can't wait. With the big 25 just two months away, I'm ready to be someone better.