Monday, August 3, 2009

farewell to the fairground

Santa Monica Pier, 2009.

Hello world. It feels a lot longer than it's actually been since I last wrote here. I leave in less than a week, and still, the reality hasn't quite hit me yet so I didn't know what else to do but write.

I've been reflecting on the year and what a rocky start 2009 was, but in the end, it all worked out. I've decided on some plans, my research finally paid off, I got out of a bad relationship with a good guy, and I've met some wonderful people along the way.

I finally talked to Lina the other night, and she reminded me of how normal it is to freak out when you're young and hitting rock bottom for the first time. It's what you make of your mess that counts. If you know me at all, you know I'm the eternal planner. Everything has a timeline, a set date, but as it turns out, almost nothing has gone according to plan. And yet, I feel things are exactly the way they should be.

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