Saturday, November 15, 2008

moving forward

Old photos taken at Literati in L.A., the summer of 2006.

I am so very tired of jumping through hoops.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

happy birthday

to Suvir :) Taken at the L.A. Arboretum this past August. Hooray for red!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

a new cold

Taken during my trip to Connecticut last year in October 2007. We all went to New Haven to visit Yale. The colors and cold weather were wonderful.

I've been rather sluggish with my work load lately and decided I just have to tackle it rather than wait for the mindset to come.

I've also been reading the Harry Potter books in the last couple of months and have to say I rather like them. However, I still greatly dislike the author. I thought perhaps I just had prejudices against her from what I'd heard so I did some research on her background. She was a poor single mother who got lucky with her stories. She slaved in cafes for months, dislikes the press for their embellishing tendencies, and is rather taken aback by her fame. I am sympathetic to writers - their abilities, their persistence, their faith in literature - and yet, I still dislike the woman. She's not someone I care for at all. It's just odd given that I like her work. I was wrestling these two feelings for a while but decided to just call it a truce. I can like someone's art without loving their life's art.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Taken at the Griffith Observatory last November.

I was stuck in traffic leaving campus today. Why? Because people were advocating Yes on Prop 8. Gag.

On another note, I decided today that undecided voters are like perennially nice people: mindless and passionless.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

moving on

Taken at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, April 2008. The day was chilly and filled with love and Lebanese food.